Thursday, May 7, 2009

Web Video Marketing Mistakes

YouTube Video Marketing

Two of the biggest mistakes people make with Web Video Marketing on the Internet are:

1. Not communicating what the video is about during the first 7 – 10 seconds
It’s so typical to start watching a video on YouTube without having any idea what the video is about.

Most people today are very busy so you need to communicate extremely well both WHAT your video is about and WHY they should watch it. There’s so much distraction and people get lots of spam.

How to avoid this: start your video by communicating what your video is all about and why the viewer should watch it until the end. This is a great way to set you apart from your competition.

2. Putting the focus on yourself rather than on the viewer (your target market)

Most companies who make videos for YouTube tend to talk about themselves. They use sentences like this,for example:

“Our last year was amazing…. ““We have just moved to new office facilities….”

Some entrepreneurs and small business owners use these kinds of sentences
“I just joined a great business opportunity.. you need to hear about it…”

“My business is going great, life is perfect now..”
These are all very boring from the point of the viewer since the focus is on the speaker and not on the listeners…

How to avoid this: To become a great video marketer you need to develop the skill of learning everything you can about your target market and more specifically, try to find out that kind of problems or challenges your target market has.


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