Saturday, May 30, 2009

Edge of Discovery, True Entrepreneurial Spirit, The Flying Car

Here's the video which shows the creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship spirit and Edge of discovery. This video has been quoted by me in my assignment under the references. This video is basically a way to promote creativity, innovation & entrepreneurship in the minds of the students through different mediums like through seminars, internet or television which will show the students that if the students graduating from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA can do it then why we can't?

This video is basically of a flying car. A company Terrafugia which formed its startup with graduates from MIT. They are developing a car that morphs to its plane form in 20 seconds. After your flight (of no more than 500 miles), you can be back on the road and parking in your single car garage. The company is looking to hit the market in 2011.


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