Sunday, September 20, 2009

Coke Beat the Competition in Best Brands List of 2009

It has been a tough year, but the brands topping the 2009 list of Best Global Brands have managed to weather the storm admirably. Here, find out more about the strategies of all 100 brands on the list, from Campbell's, slipping in at No. 100, to this year's No. 1, Coca-Cola.

  1. Coca-Cola
    In a hard year for fizzy drink makers, Coke gained luster. Credit the über-successful Coke Zero, a no-cal beverage with a more macho image than Diet Coke.
  2. IBM
    IBM has strived to make itself more broadly relevant by focusing on clean air and water, more efficient health care, and mass transportation.
  3. Microsoft
    For the first time, Microsoft's sales slipped. Yet it also began forcefully taking on its rivals, launching the Bing search engine and advertising hard against Apple.
  4. General Electric
    GE painted itself green with its "ecomagination" crusade. Now it aims to color itself healthy by pushing health-care solutions in underserved markets.
  5. Nokia
    Nokia continues to lag in smartphones, but its reputation for robust construction, ease of use, and low-key style has helped it dominate mass-market handsets.
  6. McDonald's
    The downturn heightened the appeal of McDonald's low-priced fare, particularly in Britain and France, while new McCafé coffee drinks have perked up sales.
  7. Google
    Its new free services are pushing it beyond search. But with trustbusters on the prowl, Google faces a challenge in maintaining a cuddly brand image.
  8. Toyota
    The automaker lost money in 2008 and likely will again in '09. But deep pockets and newly focused management mean this titan should revive when the economy does.
  9. Intel
    Intel paid a $1.45 billion antitrust fine in Europe, but that hasn't slowed the chipmaker's push into new markets, including smartphones and home electronics.
  10. Disney
    Falling attendance at its parks and sliding DVD sales are hurting. But the Mouse House continues to invest in its future, including buying Marvel for $4 billion.
  11. Hewlett-Packard
    HP extended its lead over Dell and weathered the economic downturn better than most tech companies, thanks to its acquisition of services provider EDS.
  12. Mercedes-Benz
    Although Mercedes' sales have plunged, the engineering icon has maintained its premium image with new fuel-efficient models. It needs to add small cars to the lineup.
  13. Gillette
    Brisk-selling high-end razors have boosted sales. But to extend its reach to more buyers, Gillette will have to innovate at the lower end of the market, too.
  14. Cisco
    The battle to rebrand itself as more than a maker of Web plumbing continues. By acquiring the Flip video camera, Cisco aims to be more consumer-focused.
  15. BMW
    It has demonstrated that buyers will pay a premium for a chic, sporty compact. BMW is also benefiting from an early investment in more efficient engines.
  16. Louis Vuitton
    The world's preeminent luxury brand has enjoyed a sales rebound in Europe this year, while continuing to tap new wealth in Asia and the Middle East.
  17. Marlboro
    As marketing restrictions tighten at home, the cigarette giant continues to push hard in emerging markets from Asia to Russia and win over millions of smokers.
  18. Honda
    Despite slumping global sales, Honda's lineup of gas sippers and a profitable motorbike business have helped the automaker navigate the recession.
  19. Samsung
    It has overtaken Sony as the top TV brand and emerged as the only credible challenger to Nokia in mobile phones. To expand its appeal, Samsung is opening an app store.
  20. Apple
    Mac sales have slowed, but Apple continues to prosper thanks to the iPhone, now in its third generation, and an app store that rivals are rushing to copy.
  21. H&M
    As many retailers suffer from the global recession, H&M has been expanding and luring value-conscious consumers with its affordable-yet-stylish apparel.
  22. American Express
    Hurt by accounts gone bad, the aspirational card company is bolstering loyalty programs and reviewing its card portfolio to get rid of riskier account holders.
  23. Pepsi
    It got a brand facelift with a new logo and sleeker packaging, but Pepsi was not immune to the tough climate for carbonated beverages, particularly in the U.S.
  24. Oracle
    Amid shrinking demand for corporate software, Oracle has stepped up face-to-face meetings—dinners, seminars—between its executives and customers.
  25. Nescafe
    Nestlé's flagship is playing to consumers' new aversion to pricey designer coffee. It also is catering to the health-conscious with new drinks.
  26. Nike
    Battling to control costs and keep rivals at bay, Nike continued amid the recession to spend money on innovation, including a line of eco-friendly sports gear.
  27. SAP
    It remains the leader in providing software to automate HR and other internal corporate functions. But SAP's new line of Web-based software has disappointed.
  28. Ikea
    The home goods giant is flourishing as recession-scarred consumers continue to snap up its stylish-yet-affordable designs, offsetting stumbles in Russia.
  29. Sony
    It has lost billions on TVs and game consoles. But Sony's software is improving: The latest e-book Reader allows users to tap Google Books and local libraries.
  30. Budweiser
    Squeezed at home by premium brews on one side and discount ones on the other, the beer maker is growing strongly in emerging markets like Vietnam.
  31. UPS
    The global downturn hit the shipping giant hard. UPS has upped its marketing budget to $200 million and is building a new hub in China.
  32. HSBC
    The worldwide credit crisis slammed its U.S. retail businesses. The world's second-largest bank is now trying to extricate itself from those bad bets.
  33. Canon
    Corporate cutbacks hurt its office machine and chipmaking businesses. To rev up sales, Canon is preparing new products with more network-friendly features.
  34. Kellogg's
    Easing commodity costs and higher prices boosted the cereal maker's profits, while new products like Special K Crackers and Jumbo Rice Krispies kept private-label rivals at bay.
  35. Dell
    It is continuing its overhaul by moving aggressively into retail and sharpening its design chops, but Dell needs to cut costs if it is to compete with HP and others.
  36. Citi
    Mismanagement and bad bets on risk at home have sullied Citi's reputation around the world, though its international business remains profitable.
  37. JPMorgan
    It is capitalizing on its position as one of the strongest financial institutions. The acquisition of Washington Mutual eventually should give JP broader reach in the U.S.
  38. Goldman Sachs
    It proved that when the chips are down in finance, those that lose the least become the new winners. Now, Goldman is under fire over its outsize profits.
  39. Nintendo
    Its Wii and portable DS gaming consoles still outsell rivals'. But the company isn't recession-proof: Annual profits could fall for the first time in four years.
  40. Thomson Reuters
    Since the merger, Thomson's strength in less cyclical areas such as legal information has helped balance Reuters' heavy dependence on financial services.
  41. Gucci
    The storied luxury goods maker has held up better than many rivals, thanks in part to an aggressive push in emerging markets, especially brand-obsessed China.
  42. Philips
    The conglomerate has continued a transition from low-margin electronics maker to a leading player in health care, lighting, and high-end consumer gadgets.
  43. Amazon
    The e-tail titan prospered by continuing to offer low prices and superb customer service in hard times. It risks losing focus by expanding into e-books and apparel.
  44. L'Oreal
    The world's leading cosmetics and mass-market beauty brand continues to reinforce its sales in emerging markets, particularly Brazil, India, China, and Poland.
  45. Accenture
    The firm launched an ad campaign after the crash positioning itself as "the partner of choice" in uncertain times. That didn't stop corporations from cutting consultants.
  46. eBay
    Once the symbol of yard-sale-style online auctions, the Web site is increasingly selling new products from wholesalers and liquidators. GM is even selling cars.
  47. Siemens
    A bribery scandal hurt, but the electronics maker has moved on and aims to exploit its engineering prowess in green energy and mass transportation.
  48. Heinz
    The ketchup king now derives more than 60% of its sales overseas and plans to boost marketing spending to fend off the threat from private-label products.
  49. Ford
    It deftly separated its brand from the troubles of its Detroit siblings. But as Ford rolls out a risky "one model for all markets" strategy, it faces a newly minted GM.
  50. Zara
    Zara is benefiting from a strong appetite for fashionable but affordable clothing. It spends relatively little on advertising, relying on word of mouth to drive sales.
  51. Wrigley
    The maker of gums like Orbit and Extra is getting traction by pushing the health benefits of chewing its brands.
  52. Colgate
    Despite the global slowdown, Colgate's oral, personal, and home-care categories grew robustly this year, while the brand gained share at home and abroad.
  53. AXA
    The insurer is trying to project stability (new slogan: Profits have slumped but not as much as some analysts expected
  54. MTV
    Pinched by sliding ratings among young adults and a drop in advertising, MTV is revamping its programming, including more animation and documentary series.
  55. Volkswagen
    With its lineup of fuel-efficient cars and strong positions in China and Brazil, VW has held up better than the industry as a whole. It has work to do in the U.S.
  56. Xerox
    Amid a dismal year for office equipment, Xerox forged ahead with new eco-friendly technologies and continued its move beyond hardware into services.
  57. Morgan Stanley
    While trading operations have revived earnings, the brokerage business remains under siege. The firm won't regain its footing until the economy rebounds.
  58. Nestle
    With a nearly $2 billion R&D budget, Nestlé has moved into healthier fare—from nutritionally enriched baby food to probiotics that protect the skin from the sun.
  59. Chanel
    Sales of its perfumes and apparel have suffered in the downturn, but the legendary Paris fashion house says it expects to eke out sales growth in '09.
  60. Danone
    The world leader in fresh dairy products looks poised for increased global reach after raising $4.3 billion—its first capital increase in 22 years.
  61. KFC
    The launch of its grilled chicken meal was a PR mess due to a coupon shortage, but the new, healthier product helped turn around KFC's declining U.S. sales.
  62. Adidas
    Sales are declining, but thanks to strength in soccer balls, shoes, and apparel, Adidas will likely rebound in 2010 as the World Cup in South Africa approaches.
  63. BlackBerry
    No brand has a bigger global presence in smartphones than BlackBerry. It certainly doesn't hurt that the U.S. President wears one on his belt.
  64. Yahoo!
    After fending off Microsoft's advances, Yahoo cut a search deal with the software giant. It was needed but showed the limits of Yahoo's tech prowess.
  65. Audi
    It has suffered less than other luxury car brands, thanks to its foothold in China and lower exposure to the U.S. market. Sharing parts with VW helped Audi's margins.
  66. Caterpillar
    Construction may be quiet in the U.S., but in building sites, mine pits, and farm fields in China and India, Caterpillar's big yellow machines are multiplying fast.
  67. Avon
    Amid a tough global economy and battle for sales, Avon has been expanding its direct-sales army—often by recruiting people laid off from other industries.
  68. Rolex
    Fancy watches aren't selling like they used to. But to maintain brand integrity over the long haul, Rolex has discouraged its dealers from lowering prices.
  69. Hyundai
    Encouraged by a weak won and the improving quality of its cars, Hyundai poured money into marketing and boosted global market share to a record 5%.
  70. Hermes
    Leather goods are holding up relatively well in the recession, especially in Asia where new stores are opening, helping the fashion house boost sales this year.
  71. Kleenex
    It's doing well overseas, but private labels spell trouble at home. The brand is fighting back with technology; one example is Kleenex Facial Tissue with Lotion.
  72. UBS
    UBS brought in a new CEO to clean house but is still struggling with the legacy of huge credit-crunch losses and revelations it helped U.S. clients evade taxes.
  73. Harley-Davidson
    A hog is the ultimate discretionary buy, not ideal in these times. And as boomers age, Gen Y isn't picking up the slack. Harley is pinning its hopes on Asia.
  74. Porsche
    A takeover struggle with VW hurt Porsche's image, and sales plunged amid the downturn. But the company still enjoys a reputation for fast, sexy, reliable cars.
  75. Panasonic
    Its TV and digital camera units are struggling. Acquiring Sanyo Electric gives Panasonic more green products, from solar panels to batteries for electric cars.
  76. Tiffany & Co.
    A strong dollar and weak economy slammed U.S. sales. But Tiffany continues to open stores, and a $93,000 diamond-encrusted cell phone attests to the brand's ambition.
  77. Cartier
    Cartier's loyal high-end customers, particularly those living in China and the Middle East, have softened somewhat a consumer pullback elsewhere.
  78. Gap
    Sales fell because Gap failed to lure enough shoppers to its low-priced apparel. Featuring its four divisions on one Web site also could confuse consumers.
  79. Pizza Hut
    Sluggish sales in the U.S. have prompted the pizza chain to turn to China and India for growth as it expands its menu with new dishes like pasta and wings.
  80. Johnson & Johnson
    J&J has long been perceived as comforting and trustworthy—ideal positioning for hard times. Its sponsorship of the 2008 Olympics boosted its global visibility.
  81. Allianz
    The insurer preserved a reputation for financial solidity by avoiding the worst of the crisis. Allianz is poised to grow as it moves into markets like India and China.
  82. Moet & Chandon
    Consumers switching to cheaper champagne and sparkling wines have hurt. With fewer marketing dollars, the brand is doing things like film festival sponsorship.
  83. BP
    The oil giant has brought new projects online, mollified Russian partners, and focused green energy efforts on a few businesses such as wind power in the U.S.
  84. Smirnoff
    Tony beverages suffered as consumers cut back on boozing, but Smirnoff held its own with cheaper libations and premade cocktails.
  85. Duracell
    Beset by private labels, new ads invoke a heritage of safety, trust, and performance. Duracell is also innovating, including a battery charger that works in a car.
  86. Nivea
    Sales fell in the U.S. and Europe as consumers switched to generic skin-care products. Nivea is using its brand strength to win loyalty in emerging markets.
  87. Prada
    Armed with fresh capital, the only fashion label with a movie named after it is opening stores around the globe.
  88. Ferrari
    Ferrari sales typically have held up in good times and bad. This recession is no exception, prompting the carmaker to open new stores and launch new models.
  89. Armani
    Despite offering fashion at various price points, Armani has so far avoided hurting its brand. Now it is developing a chain of luxury hotels and resorts.
  90. Starbucks
    Hit by the recession and facing competition from McDonald's, the coffee chain is making its food healthier, lowering some prices, and introducing, yes, instant coffee.
  91. Lancome
    Thanks to such innovations as a "vibrating power mascara," plus a handful of celebrity endorsements, the cosmetics giant has regained some of its luster.
  92. Shell
    Its reputation restored after a scandal over misrepresenting oil reserves, the company is cutting layers of management to match lower oil prices and profits.
  93. Burger King
    Cheeky ads and the Whopper Bar, which offers customized burgers, bolstered BK's appeal. To maintain momentum next year, its ad budget will rise 25%.
  94. Visa
    The company is poised to capitalize on a growing global shift from high-cost credit cards to debit cards. Visa already dominates the U.S. debit-card market.
  95. Adobe
    Designers of ads and Web sites swear by its software, which includes Flash and Photoshop. But tough times have hurt sales of Adobe's latest products.
  96. Lexus
    The recession and stiff competition from European rivals hurt Lexus, which is hoping its emphasis on hybrid models will differentiate it from the pack.
  97. Puma
    The sneaker maker is accelerating a push into fashion by, for example, joining with British designer Alexander McQueen in an attempt to compete with Adidas.
  98. Burberry
    Like many luxury brands, it is looking for new customers in emerging markets, including Bahrain. Burberry also opened a new headquarters in New York City.
  99. Polo Ralph Lauren
    Sales have slumped, but an elegant new Web site and increasing emphasis on reaching younger consumers have helped the apparel maker beat expectations.
  100. Campbell's
    The 140-year-old company has found success by pitching its soups as cheap, nutritious meals. It aims to expand its offerings in Russia next year.


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